OK so I definitely have been lucky that I haven't had to do a tag. But thanks to Teresa for tagging me I guess I will have to do one. (which it ended up being a lot more fun than I thought)
7 Things I can do...
1. I can talk all day and for anyone who knows me I can definitely talk your ear off.
2. Shop, I love to shop so much and if I had the money I could probably shop everyday.
3. Scrapbook, especially working on Paxton's scrapbook that I am way proud of and I have put so much time into.
4. Anything crafty, I will have to say I love to work on new projects all the time.
5. Playing games, which I seriously think I'm good at and I could play games for hours.
6. Being a mom, I never thought I would be a good mom but I think I'm a lot better than I give myself credit for and I know Paxton loves me and is totally dependent on me.
7. I can wake board and I love to its one of my passions.
7 Things I cannot do...
1. My hair- I try to do it but I suck at it so bad!
2. Cook- I am the worst cook ever, Brandon even teases me that I cant even cook toast.
3. Sew- I wish I could sew but all I can seem to manage to do is sew a button on.
4. Clean- I hate to clean so bad, I only do it if I have to and even then I sometimes only surface clean.
5. Sing- I have always wanted to be able to sing but I have a really bad voice.
6. Saying no to people, I am the worst at that I usually let people walk all over me because I'm afraid to tell people no.
7. Doing laundry, well I can do laundry but I always have stacks and stacks of it. Brandon has to ask if he has any clean clothes to wear because I hate to do laundry.
7 Things I always say...
1. "Are you kidding me"
2. "Freakin A"
3. "Apparently"
4. "Oh my gosh"
5. "Sorry"
6. "I love you"
7. "Whatever"
7 Things I can always eat...
1. popcorn
2. milk duds
3. diet coke(which I like to classify as a food group because I cant live without it)
4. chips and salsa
5. cheesecake
6. sour patch kids
7. cafe rio
7 Things I love to do...
1. Play with Paxton, I just love him soo much and never get sick of him.
2. Decorate- I love to decorate and design things, my favorite project was definately Paxton's room I love it!
3. Texting, oh my gosh I dont think I could live without my cell phone and definately not live without texting
4. Hanging out with Brandon, he is the best dad ever and I just love spending time with him and cuddling on the couch.
5. Brushing my teeth, I am obsessed with taking care of my teeth. I think honestly it comes with the profession though or I wouldnt be so OCD about it.
6. Writing letters to my brother who is on a mission in Houston, Texas. I totally write him like twice a week.
7. Hanging out with my mom, I probably see her almost everday and I never get sick of her.
7 People I tag...
1. Lisette
2. Emalia
3. Kandy
4. Sam(which I dont know your new married name but used to be Bridge)
5. And I really dont have 7 people that I want to make do this.
Sun Valley, Idaho 2021
4 years ago
Thanks for the tag! I am the same way about laundry. Every morning Diego has to ask if he has clothes! He always offers to help but I tell him no for some odd reason!
You have to come to my house on Saturday! We are having a christams boutique!
I love the tag. It is fun to learn more about people. I am very excited for friday.
Ok so I don't get how you tag somebody! lol Am I supposed to copy and paste this to my page and do it or what??? LOL I am so lame, and blond..wow!
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